Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We Love Comments! Spam...Not So Much

Here at Athens Printing, we love our customers, and welcome comments. A little feedback is always appreciated, because we learn how we can improve services, information, everything that brings customers back to our door.

However - for all the lovely SpamBots making their way to my comments page - EVERY comment is moderated, so the plug for your weird little website will never see the light of day on our blog.

That is all.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

A Friday afternoon in late September is a great moment to just revel in the changing seasons. A few leaves are turning color, the air is cooler, and the five greatest words are popping up on signs around town:

Yes, sure, Football Tailgate Season is Open are five more great words, but I'm all about the pumpkin lattes!

It's a perfect time to plan holiday projects, too. Invitations, gift tags, calendars, recipe cards... the list goes on.

Here are a few tips to make those projects go smoothly:

1. Type out the text you want for the piece, if it's in Word, InDesign, or even an email. Sometimes when things are handwritten, spelling errors get missed, and the size of typed fonts to handwriting is so different, that space planning for the piece might change.  Plus it saves you some setup costs, since the designer will not have to re-type your words.

2.  Make sure you have good, high-quality resolution on all of your photos. 300 dpi means 300 dots per inch, so you'd want a 5 x 7 photo to be 1500 x 2100, to be as sharply focused as possible.

3.  Be able to tell your printer how many you want - we can't give you a quote without a quantity, so the question "How much are bookmarks?" isn't going to be answerable without knowing how many we'll be printing.

4.  When you are planning anything, go ahead and call us, ask questions. We're more than happy to help in the process, and we can offer suggestions!

Gotta go pick up a Pumpkin Latte now.  Happy Planning!