Monday, January 28, 2013

Pixel Dimensions vs Document Dimensions. Again.

We've had a spate of images supplied to us from various customers that are much too small. I hate to nag about something, but it bears another telling.

Website logos are no good for print. Period. Logos from email signatures are also no good for print.

If you're compiling logos or images for a brochure, a business card, a sponsor banner, or a flyer, please do not "pull a logo off their website..." and expect a positive outcome.

Most sponsors will have a quality logo, and be happy to give it to you in a good format for printing.

The image below illustrates the difference between Pixel Dimensions and Document Dimensions.
Pixel Dimensions refers to how many pixels are used to build the image. The Document Dimensions do not always reflect a high resolution file, without looking at the Resolution itself.

If you ever have any questions, please leave me a comment and I'll be happy to clarify details for you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Happy Vintage Valentine Wallpaper for you!

Many of the Valentine-type wallpapers are a bit too shiny and modern for my tastes, so I've created my own this year. My thanks to GraphicsFairyBlog for the sweet image of swallows, plum blossoms and heart.


Monday, January 14, 2013

An Excellent Hand-Lettering Tutorial

One of the blogs I regularly visit is Daily Dishonesty. She's appropriately talented and snarky enough to make the list. Her work is all hand-lettered, and then scanned in and manipulated to make usable online.

This link is her step by step tutorial about how she goes from pencil and paper to web-ready images. Nicely done!
Hand Lettering Tutorial from Daily Dishonesty

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fresh Start for 2013 - Computer Workspace Cleanup

So you banged pots together to welcome in 2013, ate black eyed peas for luck, and put away all the holiday decorations (or at least unplugged the blow-up Santa in your front yard!) What do you do now?

What better way to start a fresh year than with a tidy computer?

A quick checklist for cleaning:
Keyboard: Unplug it first! A cotton swab damp with rubbing alcohol can rid you of dust, fingertip grime, and any possible crumbs (from kids…or roommates…or messy houseguests…not you.)

Personally - I want my own MO vacuum from Wall E, but they seem to be out right now (waahhh!)

Mouse and mouse pad: Whether you have an optic mouse or still use one with a ball, take a look at the base and clean up any dust or buildup from use. Check your mousepad, they get grimy, too.

Computer monitor: Spritz spritz wipe wipe wipe! There are monitor cleaning cloths, but a lint-free cloth and glass cleaner will work fine on most monitors. Check your user manual if you’re not sure.

CPU and components: Check cable connections, make sure nothing is bent or twisted against a hard surface, dust all air vents especially.  If you can keep it on your desktop or in a low cabinet shelf vs on the floor, that will help eliminate some of the dust gathering issues.

Desktop space: This is one of my favorite ways to freshen up a workspace, especially if it’s been a couple of months.

Remove all papers and such from the desk (you can put them back in the same place or organize them, too, but for once, it’s not about them).
Clean desk surface with spray and a cloth, to really get everything shiny and fresh.
Adjust where your monitor sits, to see if it would be better in a different spot.
Do you have a desk lamp? Does it fit the space, or would a different size be better?
If you move it to a different spot on the desk, does that make a difference in how you’ve been working?

Your computer can also use a freshening up, so update software, back up files, declutter your folders, and remove stray files from the desktop.

When you have lots of files on the desktop, it can slow down your computer a bit. Much like having too many pieces of paper on your physical desktop, a computer will always give primary attention and memory space to what is there. Sort them into folders or delete them.

Organization products are on sale in January, so look around for new ways to store your office papers - flat boxes to go on the shelf, with labels on the ends, so you can tell quickly where the taxes are, instead of opening box after box of recipes and old birthday cards.

Pinterest is a great place to look at all the various ways you could organize your office space. This one appeals to me - all the use of white is very clean-feeling, and the bright colors keep it fresh.
Any time you can use vertical space instead of your desk, you open up that much more real estate around your work area.

Wishing you an organized new year!