Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Celebrate Your Way!

It's 107 degrees in the Midwest - must be summer! The Fourth of July to begin the month, and the Olympics as a much-looked-forward-to event at the end of July.

However you celebrate the holiday,
whether it's flag

or food

or fireworks

Happy Happy Holiday from all of us at Athens Printing!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Plans and Small Talk

So... June. It's an interesting month, evocative of cookouts, vacations, and Father's Day. It's summer with the promise still fresh that we'll get to do everything we hope to do.  I think it's the kid in me, remembering that feeling of waking up on a Tuesday with nothing to jump and run for except the pool.

But life and the workweek do intrude, so why not make it fun? Plan something you always mean to do, but put it aside in favor of more pressing projects.  Maybe you've wanted personalized notecards for a long time, but the designs online just aren't what you're thinking of.  Our designers can come up with options that would be yours alone, and suddenly you're writing notes with flair!

You could have notepads with a different spin from the standard grocery list - we all buy some of the same items every time we go, so why not leave them on the list for every trip, and never forget again!

We're just full of ideas, try out a few for your summer project!
Happy Summer!
Your friendly staff at Athens Printing